Scott Memorial,
outstanding introductory work on
Theosophy by a Student of
Katherine Tingley entitled “Elementary Theosophy”
– 1929
& President of the
Loma Theosophical Society 1896 -1929
and her students produced a series of informative
works in the early years of the 20th century
A Student of Katherine Tingley
Chapter 2
Who is the Man?
The first
question answered by Theosophy, a question upon which all else depends, is: Who
am I? If the answer: You are yourself, seems silly, that is only at first
glance. Nearly every one thinks of himself as identical with the body. Is this
the case? If it is, any talk about the soul, or immortality, is necessarily
We use the
body; command it; work with it and train it, all as we will. With it we see,
hear, touch, taste, and smell, employing each sense just as we choose. It is
obviously an instrument at our disposal, a wonderfully complicated tool.
Can it
then be the man? Can a player be identical with his instrument, a carpenter
with his hammer? Yet we habitually blind ourselves to the difference by saying
I am ill, or growing old, forgetting that so far as we know, it is the body
only, not the man, which is subject to these changes.
If then
the man, the soul, is not identical with the body, it will be natural to ask
what becomes of him when, as we say, he is unconscious, or asleep, or dead,
when in old age his memory is gone, his mind childish once more, his limbs
paralyzed. Surely we must admit that in these cases the man himself must have
changed. From this point of view it does look as if the man and his body were
one and the same, since he seems to change with its changes. Let us go a step
or two further and then come back.
All the
waking hours we are conscious of a stream of thoughts. We cannot stop the
stream, but we can generally direct it where we will. We can cause our thought
to occupy itself with whatever we choose.
We can
stop thinking of any one thing and think of any other. It is not always easy,
for the mind seems to be a living thing with wishes of its own; but it is
always possible.
So for two
reasons it seems clear that the mind is not the man. First because, like a
restive horse it often opposes the wishes of its owner; and
because the man can, if he uses will enough, turn it where he will as a
carpenter turns a chisel. Yet again we must ask what becomes of the man when
his mind becomes delirious in fever or childish in old age?
And then
there are the feelings, emotions. These too go on all day. We are by turns happy
or miserable, hopeful or despairing, irritated or calm, compassionate or
resentful. But these too we can control, especially if we have practiced doing
so. We can refuse to be miserable or ruffled; we can compel ourselves to be
hopeful, compassionate, considerate. Feelings also have a life and persistency
of their own and may object to being controlled. But as, with practice, we can
do it, it seems that they also cannot be the man.
thus noted that mind and emotion are, or ought to be, both under the control of
the soul, through his will, we note next that there is a limit to this control.
Both need a healthy body for their perfect health, and if the body is fevered
or very old, mind and feeling are likely to be dim and feeble, or even quite
distorted, despite every effort of the will.
We have no
warrant for saying that the man necessarily varies with variations in his body;
but we must say that to a very great extent the mind and emotions do. So far as
they do not, it is because they are sustained and guided by the will.
This leads
to the next point. However ill or old the body may be, however unresponsive to
the man's will, and however dimmed may be the mind and feelings, the will
itself and the man who uses it may be quite unchanged.
sometimes see that up to the very moment of death, the man may be using his
will in its full strength. The results may be small; the stiffening lips may
refuse to utter more than a few words, perhaps of love and encouragement to
those about; but it is evident that whatever else is dying, the man and the
will are not. Even at the very moment of death the eye may still be speaking
its message. The man, the soul, and its will, are passing on in full
consciousness. And the last gleam we get of that consciousness is often one of
unchanged, unlessened love for those remaining
So we have
arrived at some answer to our question: What, or who, am I? Let us call I the
soul, and read our answer thus: The soul, the I, the self, is that conscious
power which dwells during life in the body, amidst the bodily feelings, amidst
the emotions, capable of dominating them; using the mind and capable of
dominating it; having for its instrument of control the will. So far as we can
see, neither the soul, nor its will, nor its degree of love for those it leaves
behind, are necessarily affected by illness or by death.
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Lentil burgers, a
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the daily 25 mile
run may put it off for a while but death
seems to get most of
us in the end. We are pleased to
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