Scott Memorial,
outstanding introductory work on
Theosophy by a Student of
Katherine Tingley entitled “Elementary Theosophy”
– 1929
& President of the
Loma Theosophical Society 1896 -1929
and her students produced a series of informative
works in the early years of the 20th century
A Student of Katherine Tingley
Chapter 4
Body, Soul and Spirit
Why, then,
if entry into the body means so much loss to the soul, even if only temporary,
does it come there at all? The answer given by Theosophy is that it may gain
higher life, and that it may give higher life. It is divine, but it has to
recognize that while in the flesh; and there is always a fuller divinity
possible to the very highest man.
sees life everywhere; nowhere anything dead. It may at once be asked: is not a
human body dead when the soul has left it for another world? If we had eyes
that could see, we should find that the body was as much alive as ever, but
with a different kind of life. The little busy souls of the millions of cells
-- which, while the man was present, served him -- left the body with him, or
very soon after. Their place is taken by throngs of lower lives, germs, in
their way just as busy. Part of each cell goes to form their minute living
bodies; the rest separates into molecules of water, various gases, and salts.
But the molecules too are alive. They behave like a drill corps when the
sergeant dismisses it. The men no longer make a corps, and each goes his own
way. One will perhaps join a party going swimming; another may go to a music
class. When the bath and the class are over, the men again separate and group
together in new combinations. At the end of the day they may seem just the same
as at the beginning. But as a matter of fact they are not. Each has profited a
little by the drill, the music, and the swim.
So with
the living particles of nature's vast life, the particles that we call
molecules of water, air, salt, iron, and so on. They pass from one combination
to another, sometimes forming part of a plant, sometimes of an animal,
sometimes of a human body, the ocean, or a stone. Age after age they are
awakening to fuller consciousness, learning, even though if we watch them for
ages we might not notice any change.
What are
they learning? The power to combine into higher groups. Science knows that from
the birth of our planet until now, life has been rising. The orders and species
have been progressing to higher forms. This was because the molecules were
learning how to combine.
At last
they could combine and recombine so as to make the body of man; and then man,
the soul, came and dwelt among them. It was at last a fit tabernacle. So,
however completely at death the molecules scatter, they can now always be
brought together again to make a human form.
nature has been teaching them is the power to combine into higher and more
perfectly harmonious forms, forms of which all the parts work together to a
higher end.
And that
very same thing she is teaching man. Man, according to Theosophy, reincarnates
again and again on earth, living life after life, not one only. We are grouped again
and again in all kinds of ways.
primitive peoples there are small groups, the family and the tribe. Tribes make
nations; nations disappear, and others come up onto the stage of history. A
nation is like a body; the various groups, made of men who follow various
occupations, who are joined for various ends, or who live together in towns and
cities, are the organs of the body. Each man is a separate cell.
Men leave
one nation at death and perhaps enter another, making part of all sorts of families
and groups as they go along.
What we
are slowly learning is the power to hold together, the power to work for each
other and for the whole of which we are a part, whether a guild, a family, a
city, or a nation; the power of divine comradeship of individuals and groups
and nations to make one vast harmonious organization, the body of humanity.
Then a further avenue of progress, leading to heights we cannot conceive of,
will be open before us.
Behind us
are the animals, moving manward, getting the human
touch age after age, to be the humanity that shall follow us when we have
learned our lesson and gone on -- perhaps to another planet, the child of this
one, says Theosophy.
them, the plants, some of them -- like the sensitive plant, for instance --
already showing the tendency upward to the animal.
So we can
see that we are in the body for several purposes.
that in it and through it we may touch nature, and learn the wise use of her
that we may teach, and help nature in her teaching. Among the cells, the little
lives, of our bodies, we are like a master in his class. In controlling our
impulses, in resisting deeds that make for moral and physical disease, in
living in every way the highest and purest life we can, we are training the
lower lives that clothe us on the one hand; and training ourselves on the
other. In training his students, the master trains himself. And whilst they
learn from him, he learns much from them.
we are here that we may learn
the higher comradeship, that quality which, spreading all over the earth, will
one day open a new door to us, leading to a height of happiness and power that
has always been the ideal before the eyes of humanity's helpers and teachers.
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Lentil burgers, a
thousand press ups before breakfast and
the daily 25 mile
run may put it off for a while but death
seems to get most of
us in the end. We are pleased to
present for your
consideration, a definitive work on the
subject by a Student of
Katherine Tingley entitled
One Liners & Quick Explanations
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It’s all “water
under the bridge” but everything you do
makes an imprint on
the Space-Time Continuum.
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has an eastern border with England.
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just over 8,000 square miles.
Snowdon in North Wales is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.
The coastline is
almost 750 miles long.
The population of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.
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